Who We Are?


Al Muwasat Community in UK is a charitable trust established to provide support to the Muslim community in the UK, particularly in the area of funeral services. Our mission is to ensure that every Muslim in the UK has access to dignified and respectful funeral services, regardless of their financial means.

Our objectives are to advance the Islamic faith and to relieve the sickness and bereavement of those who have lost a loved one. We aim to achieve these objectives through the following activities:


    • Providing financial assistance to those who cannot afford funeral services.
    • Offering counselling and support to the bereaved.
    • Promoting the Islamic faith through educational programs and events

    Achievements and Performance

    We are proud of our achievements in the past year, which include:

    • Participating in the National Burial Council Conference, where we gained valuable insights into the funeral industry.
    • Completing the construction of a washing room in Al-Najashi Centre, which has enabled us to provide dignified funeral services to the Muslim community.
    • Training volunteers to assist with funeral services and providing them with the necessary equipment.
    • Providing financial support to families who have lost a loved one and cannot afford funeral services.
    • Building a strong relationship with the community through our various events and initiatives

    Our services are open to all Muslims in the UK who subscribe to our membership program, which includes the following benefits:

    • Free funeral services for members who pay monthly
    • subscription of £20 per person or £40 for families.
    • subscription of £50 per person or £100 for families.
    • Discounted funeral services for members who pay a yearly
    • Full burial expenses covered for brothers who do not receive any aid from the government due to their legal status or financial situation.

    We are committed to purchasing a tent for prayer services, an automatic gate for the main entrance of EMCA, and a new lift for coffins. Our goal is to buy land to build a cemetery for Muslims in the UK.

    Financial Review

    Our main sources of funding are membership fees, donations, and funeral costs payback/refunds from deceased family members. We also run charitable events to raise funds for our cause. This year, we have reduced our funeral costs by building the washing room, and we are committed to using our resources efficiently to achieve our objectives.

    Reserve Policy

    We do not hold any reserves, and our financial statements are prepared on a receipts and payments basis. An independent examiner has reviewed our accounts, and the report is available upon request.


    We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our volunteers who have worked tirelessly to support our cause. Their dedication and commitment to our mission are invaluable, and we appreciate their contributions immensely.

    Management Committee Members' Responsibilities

    The members of our Management Committee recognize their responsibilities for keeping proper accounting records and preparing financial statements each year. They are committed to ensuring that our financial statements are accurate and transparent, and they are available for scrutiny by our members and stakeholders. We are committed to continuing our work in serving the Muslim community in the UK and promoting the Islamic faith.